No all-clear notification for users of New Zealand Fetal Bovine Serum. The emergency situation after the latest Mycoplasma bovis outbreak in the country continues. The disease was first reported last month, in an earlier article we informed our readers about the situation.
Two weeks ago the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) still believed that the outbreak had been contained to only two farms. However in just a couple of days another four farms were identified as positive for the disease. Out of the affected farms one is a lifestyle property (a hobby farm as it would be called in other parts of the world). The rest are dairy producers directly connected with the Van Leeuwen Dairy Group farms where the outbreak was discovered first. All affected properties are now under a Restricted Place Notice, controlling the movement of animals and other risk materials off the farm.
Not all of the affected properties are known by name. The Ministry of Primary Industries is prevented from disclosing the identity of the farms by the Privacy Act. Taking into consideration the public concerns about the disease MPI are strongly encouraging farmers under controls or investigation to talk to neighbours, customers and suppliers.
A significant amount of New Zealand Fetal Bovine Serum is sourced through the dairy farms. Therefore FBS users should be very cautious and sensitive to testing and additional treatment / inactivation measures before using their product.
Further official statements about the Mycoplasma Bovis outbreak in New Zealand can be found on the MPI website.
We will continue publishing updates about the situation. Stay tuned!